Robotic liquid handling systems for MT-PCR have been designed with easy integration in mind, no matter the stage in your workflow and your throughput.​

Simplify your daily laboratory routine with:

  • Ready-to-use reagents and consumables
  • Easy setup within a few minutes
  • Maximized workflow efficiency by simultaneous use of instruments
  • Automated analysis of results
  • LIMS compatibility via data export option

HighPlex Alliance™ – For low to medium sample throughput


The HighPlex Alliance™ includes MT-Prep™ 24 for automated nucleic acid purification, the HighPlex instrument for automated setup of the MT-PCR, as well as the MT-Analyser for running and analyzing the MT-PCR.

UltraPlex Alliance™ – For high sample throughput


The UltraPlex Alliance™ includes MT-Prep™ XL for automated nucleic acid purification, the Ultraplex 3 instrument for automated setup of the MT-PCR, as well as three MT-Analysers for running and analyzing the MT-PCR.

UltraPlex Jump™ – For high sample throughput in extraction-free workflows​​


​​The UltraPlex Jump™ allows extraction-free sample processing using MT-PCR in combination with four MT-Analysers for maximum throughput.

Overview of instrument features

This is not what you have been looking for?​

Check out our solutions for manual or fully-automated real-time PCR:

Real-time PCR solutions for manual workflows
Fully-automated solution for diagnostics based on real-time PCR with medium to high throughput

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