In Allergies, Allergology, Immunoblot

R-Biopharm AG has faced the challenge to develop a sophisticated allergy in vitro test system that combines both a quantitative determination and a very economic and easy handling.

Patients show often a wide range of varying symptoms and sensitization patterns against several allergens. Therefore diagnosing an allergic disease is always based on the anamnesis, the in-vivo testing and the in vitro diagnostics. Particularly the in vitro diagnostics (determination of specific IgE against the suspected allergens) is essential whenever an allergic response or severe reaction is suspected but furthermore also as a foundation for a possible immunotherapy and the according preparation. The preparation for an immunotherapy needs the results of a quantitative test system like single allergen systems. These tests are expensive and need expensive laboratory equipment.

RIDA qLine® Allergy

  • Reliable, premium quality screening test system delivering quantitative results.
  • Additional sensitisation to allergens which are not suspected after the anamnesis can be detected.
  • Positive test results must no longer be confirmed in a single allergen test system. Costs for the final findings are saved.
  • Prick test and quantitative laboratory test are regarded as equivalent. Therefore with the RIDA qLine® Allergy many hazardous prick tests can be avoided.
  • Usage of the RIDA qLine® Allergy prevents children from multiple blood takings. For quantitative diagnostics of children for up to 20 allergens only 400 µl serum or plasma are needed. So in many cases the need for another blood taking is omitted.
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RIDA qLine® Allergy, Quality Assessment